A photo of the band, with Adrian standing in front of the camera holding lego flowers, and Alexie and Os standing behind him.

About BTO

But, That's Okay is an indie rock band from Zion, Illinois. Composed of 5 friends, they create songs with inspirations taken from indie rock artists like The Strokes and Arctic Monkeys, and play covers in the genre. With a burning passion for music and a love for fun, they bring a high-energy and amazing sound to the Waukegan and Kenosha scenes.

One day, Adrian, a self taught singer and guitarist, asked a couple of his friends in a local ice cream parlor if they wanted to start a band. Os, having been teaching himself drums since the pandemic, was quick to hop onto the opportunity. Later on, Alexie, a passionate bassist, and Luna, a knowledgable person in A/V, joined the band. For a while, the band remained nameless until one day Adrian noticed that Os would keep saying "but, that's okay" during rehearsals. From then on, everyone decided to roll with this catchphrase as the band name, a perfect name to encompass this band's feeling. After a while, Izzy, a talented guitarist, saw one of their instagram posts and asked to join the band. A short time later, Izzy joined the band and became a core player in the band's sound and vibe.

The group plans to release an EP titled "To All I Aspire to Be", a collection of songs written by Adrian and the band. They have performed the songs off this EP at their concert to the public at the Zion-Benton Moose. Their first ever live performance was performed at Zion-Benton Township High School, for the graduating seniors of the class of 2023. Dr. Joaquin Stephenson, at the time Assistant Principal of ZBTHS, said that But, That's Okay is "one of the greatest young bands [he's] ever heard." Every day, But, That's Okay is constantly improving with their drive and passion for music growing stronger.

But, That's Okay is constantly looking for places to perform and people to talk to! Get in touch with the band, and explore the band's Discord and other social medias!

Mobirise Website Builder

New Member: Izzy Weitzel (she/her)

hi my name is izzy weitzel and im from round lake, illinois !! :D i’ve been playing guitar for about 2 years and yet somehow im the lead guitarist for But, Thats Okay. dont worry though i totally wasn’t kidnapped by them. to make a very long story short in high school i was in a little band w my friends and i was the bassist but our guitarist actually had no idea how to play guitar like she was looking up how to play the chords before each song so eventually i tried it and thats how it started! anyways i play in a lot of different music groups at olivet nazarene universiHELP ME!!!!!! RAAAAAAAAAH!!!! IM BEING HELD HOSTAGE AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!

A photo of the band, with Adrian standing in front of the camera holding lego flowers, and Alexie and Os standing behind him.

But, That's Okay is:

Adrian Guzman (he/him) - Singer and guitarist, who self taught himself how to sing and play during the pandemic. He grew up listening to a lot more guitar music than other genres, and always wanted to play and then took the step forward during the sudden free time given to him during quarantine.

Izzy Weitzel (she/her) - Lead Guitarist, who has been active in the music scene since high school. She participated in music groups since high school, and is now participating in multiple at Olivet Nazarene University. She picked up the guitar in 2022 and joined BTO in 2024.

Alexie Schubring (he/him) - Bassist, who is also self taught and also started during the pandemic. After being given a broken acoustic guitar at 13 and "loving that thing to death", his interest in music lit up. He didn't feel like the acoustic guitar would suit the way he wanted to play music, so after seeking around, he bought an electric bass and amp and now plays his heart out on it.

Oswaldo (Os) Silva (he/him) - Drummer, who is self taught. When he was young, his father, a musician at the time, gifted him a retired electronic drum set for him to learn on. The kit sat around for a while because of a lack of time, but after the lockdown began, Os picked up sticks and then started his passion for the drums.

Luna Muñoz-Maldonado (she/her) - A/V, who is self taught. She has always been oriented towards learning about technology, and audio became a new thing for her to learn during the free time given by the pandemic. She grew to love doing A/V, and is now currently employed as an A/V Student Technician at Macalester College.

Past Events

March of 2023

"But, That's Okay" was formed

May 17th, 2023

Senior Night - Zion-Benton Township High School, Performing Arts Center, Zion, IL

August 17th, 2023

Concert at the Moose - Zion-Benton Moose Pavillion, Zion, IL

January 13th, 2024

Acoustic Stream #1 (Live on YouTube and Twitch)

August 17th, 2024

Concert at the Moose 2 - Zion-Benton Moose Pavillion, Zion, IL